This blog highlights how both Early Years Professionals and parents can effectively support the individual needs of a child whose additional language is English. By maintaining consistent support and communication with both the child and family, this ensures holistic care within the setting.
How can we promote an enabling environment?
The aim is to ensure a holistic approach for simultaneous bilingual children. To further promote an enabling environment, children can experience days learning about their culture, foods, music, religion etc. By doing so, this will enable opportunities for deep interaction and the child will feel a sense of value. Furthermore, by providing age appropriate, interest-based resources and visual aids, this will enhance confidence for the child to explore if they observe home language in the setting as well as their home. It is vital that both parties maintain communication regarding the child’s needs, interests as this can be adapted to the early year’s setting.
How can we track the progress of a child’s communication & language skills?
It is essential to observe and assess to track a child’s progress consistently. By doing so, this enables the Early Years Professionals to provide an inclusive provision and monitor any gaps within the learning and development programme. By the Early Years Professionals providing focused learning experiences and a balanced mix of provocations and invitations, this supplies a scaffold approach for learning for both the child and adult. Any progress/ concerns in regards to the development of a child should be frequently notified to parents to prevent any communication barriers.
The following best practice principles and guidelines will support all children's developing speech, language and communication skills. The strategies you should provide for all children will also support children learning EAL:
• All children are entitled to equal access to the whole curriculum.
• Learning and using more than one language is an asset and is a learning opportunity for both children and adults in the setting.
• Good development of a child's first language has a positive effect on the development of other languages.
• An atmosphere where being able to speak other languages should be truly valued as a positive skill.
• The use of stories, books, rhymes and songs are a vital part of worldwide cultural and linguistic heritage.
@BananaMoon - 3 years ago